Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Hero in Childrens Books- Quentin Blake

Quentin Blake is properly one of the most well known illustrators and most famous for his collaborations with author, Roald Dahl.

Matilda, one of the collaborations is one of my personal favourites from childhood, tells of a super intelligent young girl who is disregarded by her family. She is a strong independent girl who teaches herself to read and look after herself.  

The dreaded Trunchball depicts the teacher that all children are scared off (of course being a story she's a lot scarier and throws children over fences) Matilda is able to use her superpowers and intelligence to seek her revenge on the Trunchball (something children can secretly desire doing too) hence reversing the role of the child-adult situation where the child is defenceless and unable to right the wrongs they see in adults

and of course the loveable Miss Honey, the kindly teacher.

The partnership between Roald and Quentin was fruitful and they published many books together including the witches, charlie and the chocolate factory and the fantastic mr fox (to name but a few)

Quentin also worked on writing and publishing his own books, and illustrating for many other authors

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